Image Students Won the IIA Sand Sculpting Competition

Students of Image proved their crafting skills in the ‘Sand Sculpting’ competition conducted by the Indian Institute of Architects. On the 21st of December, 2013 IIA has organized for the competition at the Marina Beach, Chennai. Over 90 teams, of three members each, from all over Tamil Nadu participated enthusiastically in the competition.

The theme of the competition was ‘Castles’, based on which the sculptures should be crafted. As most of the participants were students of architecture, it was an apt theme and many of the castles invoked a query if they were built of sand or with cement.

Among the 90 teams, 5 teams were from Image Creative Education. While there were various teams sculpting the tallest structures, spiral castles, and Walt Disney castles; the students of IMAGE built magnificent castles, with their best trained skills, that gave no option to the judges but award them the first two winning positions. Vinosh and team (Pandian & Sriram), who bagged the First prize sculpted the best firm structure, a four-tier castle, ‘Pyramid Kottai’.

The team explained the architectural concept of the castle, which impressed the judges. Other team from IMAGE (Manoj, Praveen and Arunkumar), crafted a magnificent palace with twin building connected by a bridge with arches, to bag the Second prize.

The two teams were awarded a cash prize of Rs.5000 and Rs.3000 respectively, for showcasing their best talents and outwitting 90 other talented teams from around the state.

Congratulations to both the teams!

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